Useful Information

How to get on the island:
– To come to Tinos is simple, at the airport you go door No. 3, cross the six lanes, and turn left outside, in front of the Sofitel hotel, to a bus stop with ATTIKI written in red and 2 timetables on the pole. Choose a bus to Aerodromio Rafina. ( Not Lavrio! )

The bus arrives about 5 to 10 minutes before departure time . You can put your luggage bellow the bus and sit in. Tickets will be sold on the bus before departure.
It takes 25 minutes and 3 € per person to get to Rafina.
The bus drops you off at the dock at the port of Rafina terminal. In front of you there are the boat ticket shops.

How to get to Porto ‘s Bella Vista:
You can get a taxi from port Tinos to Portos Bella Vista. Further down you have information how to come to us if you arrive on the island by car. It is very easy to reach us from the boat.

Leaving the boat you need to bear right and follow the coast to the old port . Warning: distances here are very short. At about 500m to the old port there is a mini triangular park in front of you, a super market – Marinopoulos Carrefour and Avra – turn left.

After 300 to 400 meters there is a BP petrol station, after which you need to bear right to follow sign for Porto

After about 6km you are in Porto. Asphalt ends here and in front of you there is a small church and the beach on the right. You turn left and right away to the right to take the small concrete path behind the church.

After 100m turn left to Pachia Ammos Hotel Carlos. Second gate after Carlos is Porto’s Bella Vista, written on a stone column.
For more security you have our phone number to call us as soon as you come off the boat.

Some links:

Information on Tinos

Photos of Tinos

Rental boats

Ferry timetables (domestic )

Come and visit us at PORTO BELLA VISTA